Our homes don’t always grow with us. A home that may have initially worked fine for just one person, like a young couple’s starter home, or a family with a newborn or new pets, can quickly become too small as families expand. Modern families also often have multiple generations living under one roof.
Adding to or remodeling your home can be an option for creating more space, but it can also be quite costly, and the size of your property may make it difficult or impossible. If that is your scenario, moving to a larger home becomes the best solution for you.
The first considerations you need to have when up-sizing your home is to assess square footage, bedrooms, and bathrooms. It’s important to take a critical approach to how your space will actually be used so you know where you’ll need more space in the new home. If you have younger children (or possibly more on the way), then focusing on bedrooms and bathrooms would be an important strategy. If your children will soon be heading off to college or starting their own families, it might be better to prioritize the larger living and group spaces like the kitchen, dining room, living room, and outdoor space. It will pay off during the holidays or summer vacations, when more family members may be coming to visit.
If you are in need of more space, but don’t necessarily want a more expensive home, it would be wise to consider moving a little further from a city center where you can get a lot more for your money. While the ease of walking around the city, or short commutes of a dense neighborhood or condo are hard to leave beyond, your lifestyle might now mean that a spacious home in the suburbs makes more sense. It’s your best option for up-sizing while avoiding a higher price.
If you’re located in Northwest Indiana or will be relocating there, contact us and we will help you with all your real estate needs!